Wednesday, February 28, 2007

My Own: Private Tea Party

There was a Tea Party Planned at Casapinka for tomorrow, but it has been postponed.. So until then, I think I will have my own private tea party, right here, on my sill, and just bask in the warmth of the sun that peeked out of the clouds, it seemed, only for me. Isn't it beautiful?
But I may say, that is quite a bit of tea for one, and I have many more teacups.... Would you like to join me? I have Moroccan, green, and black tea, which would you prefer?


don said...

An attractive tea set and picture. I'll have green I please...the tea tastes so much better in a pretty cup!

Maryam in Marrakesh said...

I will have green, too. I have an awful lot of mint here. lol!

Unknown said...

Green it is then. Thanks for joining me!

Cream said...

Sweet mint tea, please.

Unknown said...

My favorite, Cream, good choice!