Special Message for a Certain Habibi
Today's post may be a little familiar, because I posted a conversation hearts photo about a month ago, but today it comes with variation. A played with picture(above) and one that is more plain(below). My reason for posting them again today is because it is indeed Valentine's Day. They have some very special words on them intended for a sweetheart named Kheireddine, and though I tell him all the time, each time means just a little more than the last. Everyday we grow together, though we are on opposite sides of the world. We still feel each others' love, though we are oceans apart. Instead of giving up and growing impatient when time seems to be lost, somehow we end up learning and loving more. He is like no other man I've ever known. He loves me, and only me, with an unconditional love that can not be surpassed. I'm proud to call him mine and I thank God for him with every breath. So to him and to you all, Happy Valentine's Day with much love! ~ Hadassah xoxo
Darling, I really think I need to meet this habibi of yours...
Thanks, Don :)
Maryam, this habibi of mine would, I'm sure, be glad to meet you. :) We should plan something ;)
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