I'm combining chapters 5 and 6 because I neglected the journal these two days. I know I wasn't really busy on the first, but it was the day that I finally was able to rest and ice my knee(after 3days without, tisk tisk..) So basically I guess I just hung out with on of my best friends, Ting. She and I are pretty good friends and were counting down the days until I left Chicago. So if I remember correctly, we watched movies that day.
08.01.07First Day in Langfang and I basically just hung out.
Lydia's kisses fix all.
Ok, to explain the last line- Lydia is one of the foster kids with OI. She is about 18months old and the cutest, most photogenic, little girl ever(meaning, you'll see many shots of her). Her thing is blowing kisses. Blowing kisses to everyone, all the time! It's Adorable! Even after she gets in trouble she blows kisses as if it'll fix what she just did. All through my trip I was reminded that kisses fix everything, at least at that age.. lol
Chapter 5 shots *
08.02.07Craft Day for the kids of the families who run the foster homes.
The team went to the Agape Family Life House, while I stayed in the Wyse's house with Ting and Lydia.
Today was cool. Ben and Han are here, so it was cool seeing them.
Okay, more last line explanations. Ben(my brother) is dating a girl from Shanghai named Han. He was in Shanghai earlier this year to meet her and went back while we were in Beijing, then met up with us in LangFang. She is going to be bringing one of the foster girls to Chicago in September to have surgery at Shriners Hospital. It was my first time meeting her in Lang Fang and I enjoyed it very much. She's really a sweet girl. I'll talk about her a little more later.
(Unedited) Chapter 6 shots *