Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Changing focus...

How busy, stressed, and crazy has it been these last few weeks?! My Lord Almighty, save me from myself! My school life has been like an IV pump with a slow, steady drip, not much is going in and not much is coming out. While it's verrrrrrrrry slooooooow, it all is still moving along. When it comes down to it tho, if I would only study more and play less I'd actually be going somewhere.

I've seen myself grow as a photographer and as a person, and now I think it's time for me to really buckle down and grow academically. My studies have been waiting, patiently. Things like Grammar and Math -- things that take time -- have been waiting the longest. They're not my favorite subjects because I know I need to be taught and I'm more of a "self-taught" girl (it's that "if you wants things done right, do it yourself" kind of thinking).

The other areas of my life have been going nuts lately. With so many things to do and sooooo many distractions, as soon as I decide to do something academically productive something more pressing comes up. I'll start reading and then I'll look at the clock and it's time to get ready for work; OR I'll start answering questions and I remember I need to do laundry, clean my room, eat lunch, or take down the wallpaper in the other room. You name it, it distracts me, pretty much anyway. At the moment all I can say is at least I recognize that it's distracting me and am willing to change it.Most of the time I don't even start school until I've checked my email, chatted with my boy friend and checked all my blog subscriptions and by that time it's time to take a shower and go to work.

So in lieu of all this, I think another blogging/commenting hold would be a good idea in addition to changing my focus offline. Maybe for a week or two I'll work on this, catch up and get things back on track then return with an update of how it all went.

Meanwhile, check in on my other blog for photos minus text - there are a few quite a few uncommented posts there - and also you can feel free to visit my fotki site where I've posted a lot of new albums.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

An interesting post and even more interesting comment on your life. Do what you have to do, Hadassah. You're the only one who can change your priorities and shift gears! :-) Let us know how it goes.